Unlock your inner warrior with this 5-minute technique

 Do you lack courage? Do you want to be able to confront your fears?

Archetype training can help you decide on the right course of action in a particular situation.

Breaking down our complex selves into more easily-understood archetypes can be a great tool in identifying the correct course of action for a particular situation.

Accessing your inner warrior can be the step you need to make the right decision and carry it through with actions when faced with a difficult or even scary situation.

We all have an inner warrior, but instead of trying to access it right away, a good first step is to imagine the archetype detached from yourself.

This quick exercise can help you access your inner warrior to gain additional perspective and insight for a given scenario.

1. Take a moment to evaluate your current emotional state and what you are communicating to yourself. For example, you might be feeling fear, and telling yourself “I am afraid.”

2. Now, picture an archetypal warrior, someone that you might look up to and see as a courageous hero. This could be a friend or someone from your own life. Or you could look to Hollywood for inspiration: Rocky, William Wallace from Braveheart, Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai, etc.

3. Instead of telling yourself that you are afraid, imagine that the warrior is feeling this emotion. “The warrior is afraid.”

4. Imagine what the warrior would do in this situation. How would they confront this emotion? What action would they take?

5. Your understanding of the warrior archetype, based on your your preconceptions you have about this figure or Hollywood hero, will help you determine the answers to these questions.

What would the warrior do in this situation? Your understanding of the warrior archetype will determine the actions to be taken, but remember that courage is one of the primary aspects of any warrior.

NEW! Put the principles from this article into practice with the free courage-boosting MaArtial app on the App Store for iOs and Play Store for Android.

Courage can be defined identifying the morally correct thing to do in a particular situation, and then acting based on that decision.

While it might be difficult to imagine ourselves acting in a courageous manner, it’s easy to picture the archetypal warrior doing the right things. But by performing the above thought experiment, we are not just watching the warrior do the right thing: we are actively assigning those actions to the warrior ourselves.

It’s important to note this distinction, and realize that we have actually recalled our own inner warrior for advice on how to act in a particular situation, and not simply imagined an external force.

Using the above technique helps us accomplish two things. It detaches us from the emotional state we are in, and assigns that emotional state to an archetype we trust to act in the correct manner.

Accessing the warrior archetype can help us to recognize the right thing to do in a particular situation where we might be feeling fear, and take action to do the right thing.


We believe that anchoring can be a quick prompt to bring you into or maintain a peak state of emotion, just like a powerful piece of music can be used as stimulation.

The anchor can be a body movement, a consumable placebo, a word, or anything else — but it should be specific to you and recall a specific emotion.

You can use the technique described above to help develop the right anchor that’s tailor-made to your own specific needs — and have fun experimenting with different anchors to help find the perfect one for you.

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Photo: Allphoto.cz/Everett Collection. Collage: Darina Achremenková

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The free MaArtial app, now available on the App Store and Google Play, contains 100+ easy-to-practice guided mental exercises designed to boost your daily confidence. These include dynamic affirmationspowerful visualizations, and much more. Take the first step towards a more confident you today: 

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